

Monday, January 7, 2013


Today was a Monday - in spades.  Starting with losing my car keys first thing in the morning. I called Bruce in a panic when I realized that they were nowhere to be found.  He (sweet Bear that he is) turned his car around and was coming back to rescue me when I found them.  This happened as I was on the phone to our school secretary, telling her that I was going to be late for school -- as I spoke I wandered into the kitchen (a place I hadn't searched for the keys) and there they were on the counter.  Laughing at me.  With gusto.

I called Bruce and told him to turn around and go back towards work.  Then I got to school, greeted my 4th graders in a rush just as the second bell rang.  Great hilarity ensued.  I taught until recess, excused my class and immediately locked myself out of my own classroom.  Our school secretary shook her head and laughed as she sent up her keys to let me back into my room.


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