

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jogging Along

Another day when I got home after the sun went down.  The moon, though, is almost at the half, and its silver light is more than enough to illuminate the up and down track around the pond.  The dogs and I went three fast circuits around it -- I with 5 pounds of weights on my ankles and in my hands. Most exhilarating of all was that I squared my jaw and broke into a jog on the road along the dam.  I must admit that several years ago I'd decided that I was too old to jog -- nothing but brisk walking for me for the rest of my life.  Tonight I thought, "Why not give jogging a try?"  And off I went.  And it was good!  Next Monday is my birthday and I'll be 57 years old.  And I'm going to be jogging into it -- yeah, baby!

I'm still thinking about coyotes -- dead and alive.  None of my students have said anything about what I told them yesterday, so I'm assuming the none of them were scarred for life by what I told them.  I'm planning on giving them the journal topic "Coyotes" tomorrow just to see what's going on in their heads.  After thinking long and hard about it, I don't regret telling them about the dead coyotes strung up on the fence.  I will not presume to tell them what to think, but I will do my best to engage their hearts and their minds on things that matter.  This is, I believe, the best and most important part of being a teacher.

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