

Monday, December 5, 2011

Yup, It's a Monday

Today was a quintessential Monday.  It started with Bruce not being able to find his money clip and having to come back into the house to search for it.  The urgency of finding the money clip has nothing to do with money (not a lot of cash in that clip), but rather with the driver's license and gas card that are also in it.  I (bless my sweet, wifely heart) was concerned, energetic, cheerful and just a teeny bit condescending as I helped comb the house for the errant clip. It didn't turn up and at last Bruce was given a sympathetic kiss good by and he left without it.

Wish I'd saved some of that energy on myself.  Twenty minutes later, I had my laptop, rolling crate and lunch in the car and was ready to set off for school.  And I couldn't find my glasses.  Anywhere.  The house was ransacked yet again.  I love these glasses -- they are lightweight, rimless and almost invisible.  For these same reasons I also hate these glasses.  I have the bad habit of setting them down all over the place, and thus misplace them for short periods of time several times a week.  I lose them for longer stretches of time about once a month.  And they disappear off the face of the Earth every 6 months or so and must be replaced.  I finally gave up the search and drove off in a cloud of angry dust, wearing my old pair of glasses (ugly, horn-rimmed and unlose-able) from the bathroom drawer.

I spent the day explaining my glasses to the multitudes who noticed my new look.  The students liked them -- they think that these old ugly ones make me look more like a teacher.  I smiled and said thank you; but you know I wanted to cry.

Anyway, I came home and set about more methodically tearing apart the house.  I looked in all the places they should be.  All the places they might have fallen.  All the places a cat might have knocked them.  No glasses.  Finally I got desperate and looked in all the places where they absolutely couldn't be.  When I found myself peering in the cheese compartment of the fridge, I decided to call it a day. 

I will call my optometrist and schedule an appointment to get new glasses.  And they will be, God help me, EXACTLY like the ones I just lost -- lightweight, rimless and almost invisible. Because I love these glasses.

Yeah, I'm an idiot.

On another note, here's the rooster from Dorothea.  He spent the day with his new ladies, but I wasn't here to see it.  However, he looks pretty comfy, perched up on the roost surrounded by the girls. 

Lordy, he's a pretty boy!  He still doesn't have a name.  I thought that Darwin might be a nice name, but then decided that a noble name in the tradition of his predecessor, Sir Didimous, might be more appropriate.  Last night I took a detour from writing lesson plans and Googled "knight's names."  Nothing's been decided yet. 


  1. A spectacular end to Monday. Managed to find the missing glasses, cook a wonderful frittata, and find my money clip. Thank goodness...I can handle replacing credit cards but was dreading a trip to DMV for a replacement license.

  2. Missing glasses, frittata, and money clip.
    Guess which two of these three things were unearthed in Bruce's office?

    It was a fabulous frittata, though!

  3. The frittata wasn't really missing, it disappeared at a rather alarming rate.
