

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Poor Orphan Garage Cat Colony

Suddenly it's Sunday night -- where did the weekend go?  I drove home Friday afternoon, dead tired and with my head jam-packed and whirling with school, school, school.  As I turned up our little road, there, at the head of our driveway, grazed two delinquent cows who had broken out of our neighbor's pasture.  They were safe and in no danger of going anywhere, so I said "Hi," and drove on up to the house.  Bruce was outside watering the herb garden by the house.  He got a kiss and I staggered in to change my clothes -- a minute later he yelled for me LOUD.  He and a fat little rattlesnake, looking mildly irritated at having been squirted with the hose, were having a staring contest with each other (as snakes have no eyelids, the snake was winning).  Bruce and I have the rescue rattlesnake routine down:  I get the snake tongs and a lard bucket from the barn while he and the snake eyeball each other. Then he nabs the snake with the tongs and lowers it into the bucket.  This particular snake got relocated to the far corner of our property, where we sincerely hope it remains. 

And thus began my weekend.  Although I spent a lot of it working on school stuff, all the small dramas of Frogpond diverted my attention -- in a good way. 

Poom demanding his vittles

Poom is settling in more and more.  We've taken to calling him Poom-Bot because the name seems to fit.  As he feels stronger and healthier, he's becoming more and more spunky (read:  obnoxious).  At mealtimes he's at his most manic -- although filling out and no longer starving, he's still very much driven by a fear of not receiving his next meal.  This will, no doubt, pass; but for now the other cats give him a wide berth at feeding time. 

The four of them have taken to eating in the garage (where Max originally used to have all his meals).  They complain of being neglected orphans, but nothing's wrong with their appetites either. 

All Frogpond cats continue to do a mighty fine job of eating us out of house and home.  What troopers!

And, while some noses may still be out of joint by our newest addition, I think we're well on our way to melding everyone together again into one jolly, dysfunctional Frogpond family. 

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