

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First Rain

Hallelujah!  We had the first real rain of the season last night.  This is very early for us -- usually we don't see the first rain until after Thanksgiving.  I woke up during the night to the drip-drip-drip of water.  Such a wonderful sound!  I lay in bed and listened and my heart was happy.  This morning the scent of new-washed leaves was glorious and everything glowed now that the many layers of dust had been removed.  Green! 

Bruce was working from home today, so he was able to take pictures of the clouds blooming across the sky.

When I got home the sprinkles were starting up again.  Not surprisingly, our new African geese decided that this was the evening that they would finally trek down to the pond to check it out.  So, in the rain, we had to go down to convince them to come back up to the safety of the dog kennel where they've been living. 

We got them herded up fairly easily. They were dithering on the shore, afraid to actually get into the pond.  They've never actually swum in their lives.  I think that they were relieved to have us come down to bring them back up.

On a sad note, our ancient and beloved rooster, Sir Didimous, died.  I found him dead in the coop last evening.  I believe that he was 12 years old -- ancient for a chicken.  We're going to miss him.  He was always so gentle and protective with his hens.  As Bruce said, it's the end of a dynasty.

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