

Monday, July 24, 2017


This godawful heat wave that has hit our little section of the planet has now lasted for about a month. Although summer rain here is a rare thing, that doesn't stop me from wishing, longing and praying for a bit of rain to come our way and cool things down.

Yesterday my prayers were answered, as we had our very own tiny (but significant) precipitation event: water was dripping from the light fixture in the hallway.  It appears that the air conditioner fan up in the attic sprung a leak from one of the pipes that drains the condensed water out of the house.  We climbed up there to see if we could fix this ourselves, but can't figure out where the water is coming from.  So a call will go to the nice air conditioner repairman this morning after they open.

In the meantime, I have the lovely sound of rain to brighten my Monday.


  1. Oh, no! So sorry for this happening to you. Great attitude, though. Rain sounds - nice! Is it a swamp cooler type unit? Hope your repair guy is there pronto and you can relax in the cool again with worries.

  2. No, we switched to central air when we remodeled -- the evaporator coil is in the attic and it's the pan under it that's corroded and has the leak. Until the new one is made and installed, I'll be hearing intermittent "rain"...
