

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Murphy and Arby

Arby was a sedate, rather reserved eleven year old cat when we brought him home from the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary three years ago.  It took a long time for him to adjust from town life to country life.  He's now fourteen, and much braver than he used to be. 

He used to be very nervous about the dogs, but Murphy has been so persistently friendly that Arby finally relented and warmed up to him.  

Here is Arby; deep in primal hunting mode on the dam.  He very rarely actually catches anything, but that doesn't seem to matter to him. For him, it's endlessly entertaining simply to motionlessly crouch for long stretches of time and wait for something to move.  I figure it's sort of like watching TV.


When we take walks around the pond, Murphy races around at a million miles a minute.  In the pond. Out of the pond. Up and down every sidepath -- and then do it all over again.  That pup is everywhere!  Twice.  We figure that if the path all the way around the pond is about a quarter of a mile, in the time we walk one circuit, Murphy's run five miles.  At least. 

 So, in the midst of Arby's intense Zen stillness as he tries to become one with the dry grass, Murphy races up from the pond.  When he spots Arby, he puts on the brakes and tiptoes up to give his blue-eyed kitty an affectionate bump and kiss. If, by some chance, a mousie had been about to poke it's head out of a hole it's now long gone.

Arby sort of rolls his eyes but takes it in stride (actually, I think he secretly enjoys it).

Murphy doing his Odie Impression

And off goes Murphy again, doink-doink-doinking down the path.

Seriously, who could resist such a happy friend?

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