

Friday, September 16, 2011

Classroom Shrine to Japan

Since all I can think about right now is school, here is something that my students got together in the classroom this week.  We were reading a story called "Grandfather's Journey" about a young Japanese man who travels to this country just before the Second World War.  This sparked lots of discussion about Japan, WWII, Pearl Harbor and the Atomic Bomb.  Then the discussion turned to 9/11.  I'm always startled both by what the students know and what they don't know (one boy hesitatingly asked, "Exactly what is a terrorist?").  It's always so interesting to watch and listen to what the students have to say -- the key is in asking the right questions. 

Then the students began bringing in things from Japan: a pair of wooden shoes, a fan, a parasol, a bottle of saki (full!), a poster showing the characters for Beauty, Truth, and the like from a students father's tatoo parlor, photos and medals from the war, a music box ("made in Japan"), a doll, oragami cranes...It started as a trickle and it grew to a flood of things.  By today, we had so much that the items had overflowed the little desk I was using to display them. 

It's spontaneous things like this that remind me why I love teaching.

I especially need to focus on this tonight because tomorrow (Saturday!) I must attend an all-day science workshop. 

Off to bed.

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