

Friday, April 10, 2015

Goodby, Sweet Seal

Seal and Murphy playing a last (very gentle) game of keep-away with the kong yesterday afternoon.

Today we let Seal go free.  After a week of pills and special canned and dried food, all to help her failing kidneys,  she'd gradually stopped eating entirely.  She didn't seem to mind not eating -- it was as though she had no need for food anymore.  She remained cheerful and she kept her tail wagging, but being sick was taking its toll -- she was losing more weight and spending most of her time asleep.  When I spoke with Dr. Mike this morning, he agreed that it was time.  An hour later, I sat on soft blankets on the floor with her in the clinic.  She lay against me as the vet gave her the injection.  Her passing was quick and easy -- she was gone in moment.

My heart is heavy tonight, but I'm grateful to have had her lovely doggy self as my friend for the past fourteen years.

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