

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Owl House

We have owls!  How do I know?  Just look at their nicely smudged front door.  And if that wasn't enough proof that they've taken up residence in the box we put up in the big pine on the hill, just look at what they've dropped down in their front yard...

Owl pellets -- heaps and heaps of them peeking through the grass.  All those tiny piled up gopher bones and skulls bring a joy to my heart.  Animal lover though I am, I can't abide the little varmints:  chewing up my tree roots, toppling my zinnias, nipping through the stalks of my sunflowers and pumpkins.  Lets hear it for barn owls and their hearty appetites.


  1. How wonderful is this! I wish we had trees like that here to put an owl house in. We do have a mating pair of Great Horned owls that return every year to our area. And we hear another type of owl regularly but have never seen it - but it sounds like a barn owl. It probably has nested in a hole in an old juniper tree.

  2. Great Horned Owls have the most "owly" calls of all -- the truly classic, "Whoo...whoo...whoo." Love that sound! I love my barnies, but every night sounds like a drunken brawl coming from their box.
