

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Kitchen Project: It's not easy being green

I love the Craftman Style cabinet fronts built by Hugh, but am not so sure about the green color I painted the frames.  The kitchen now seems too dark.   The green seems a little...wrong.  Is it too dark?  Or too light?

Oh, and it doesn't help that the green hasn't hardened like it should and still scratches down to the white primer coat very easily.  If the green stays, I'll need to do touch-ups and hope that the paint sets one of these days.

 I got more paint chips and am thinking of changing the color to a very warm white.  Bruce photoshopped the cabinets to give an idea of what this might look like.  My opinion?  A rather hesitant, "I don't know."

What I do know is that the thought of clearing out the kitchen once again, and then resanding, rewashing, repriming and repainting another two coats is daunting.  In the extreme.  So much so that I've just about talked myself into letting the green stay for awhile in hopes I learn to love it eventually.


  1. The green looks really nice! For some reason, it shows off the richness of the wood more than the white does.

  2. That settles it -- the green stays. I just needed one impartial opinion to sway me to leave things as they are. What a relief! :)
