

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Noseprint Gang

Arlo, Seal, and Murphy waiting for Bruce to take them on their morning walk

From the porch, eagle-eared Murphy now knows the sound of the hall closet door squeaking open from inside the house.  He then alerts the other two dogs, who have become slightly deaf with age.  At the closet/squeak sound, the entire canine brigade hopefully lines up at the front door to stare in to see if either one of us is putting on a coat or sweater -- the cue for our going outside and spending some "dog" time with them. 

Reaching into the closet for something other than a coat has become a bit of a problem.  I hate to disappoint those eager little faces.  This has driven me to opening the closet door as quietly as a thief, should I need to get anything in there.  I don't risk closing the door again, but leave it ajar. Then I skulk off down the hall, careful not to look left or right. 

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