

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Day Before Thanksgiving

Today was a quiet sort of day -- I liked it.  We pretty much laid low except for Bruce going to the market to pick up a few things that we sort of forgot on the first shopping list.  We played cribbage, loafed around, and in the afternoon I began cooking and Bruce used the leaf blower to get rid of the first (of many) leaves.

Bruce also took some pictures.

Murphy: the Happiest Dog on the Planet

Raptor in a Bull Pine

I took some pictures too.  Our hens are molting and have stopped laying. We finally were down to absolutely no eggs at all.  So, while at Costco (on the same momentous day that we bought potatoes), we caved and bought a box of 18 organic free range chicken eggs.  I wanted to cry.    

The day that we brought home our Costco eggs, our flock got down to business and gave us two eggs.  Their two are on the bottom of the picture -- they look almost identical to the Costco eggs...

...but break one open and the difference is immediately obvious.

Can you tell which one is ours?  The four anemic Costco eggs are on bottom and our Frogpond egg is at one o'clock.  Fat orangey yolk -- those Costco eggs can't compete! 


  1. Now I want some of your eggs! They're so good!

  2. And, when the girls are in full laying mode, I dearly wish I could give you some (nothing says excess like opening up the fridge and confronting 8 dozen eggs). :)

    Happy Turkey Day!
