The lilacs budded, bloomed and bathed the air with purple fragrance for a few short weeks. I never even thought to get a picture before the flowers were gone. Most of the springtime bulbs are over and done for the year: daffodils, tulips, Dutch iris, freesias and bluebells. Peonies in their large pots now arch their leaves over a magenta carpet. The redbud shrubs, so recently radiant in soft purple cloaks are now in their summer green. As are all the orchard trees: apple, pear, quince, and peach blossoms have all fallen.
Springtime in all its beauty, is a wistful time. I find myself trying to notice every last color, nuance, fragrance and essence before it vanishes like a dream. Springtime is a fey, shy guest -- she gathers her gloves, hat and purse and leaves the party far too soon.
Lovely blossoms - spring must have favored you well. Here the lilacs are just blooming, the peonies haven't grown buds yet and the deer dined on the one and only tulip plant. Our spring is fleeting, if at all... But we know it came because all the farm fields below us are now emerald instead of beige. Greenup is how we know the season has changed.