We've been attending a Unitarian Universalist fellowship since last November and both Bruce and I are delighted to be so warmly welcomed into this "family". And I love the building we meet in -- a tiny one-room school house (said to be the oldest in Calaveras County) with views out the tall windows of sky, trees and two white horses in a neighboring pasture.
The room is spare and humble, but has a strong presence. The original bell in the bell tower is rung at the start of each service and a framed print of Abraham Lincoln watches from the wall.
This piano and bench are along the back wall. The faded velveteen cushion on the bench was completely hand-stitched, but had obviously seen better days. When asked if I could recover it with patchwork, I jumped at the chance and sang out a loud and clear, "Yes!"
It was only hours later, when I remembered that quilting was not exactly my thing, that my enthusiasm became mixed with concern. I fretted off and on over the next four weeks as I tried to come up with a perfect pattern that would be worthy enough. I visited a friend who is an accomplished quilter and she guided me in finding a lovely pattern and then helped (actually, I was so slow that she ended up doing most of the work herself) cut all of the pieces.
But when I got home and looked at the tiny pieces in the plastic bag, my spirits sank. I knew that a pattern this complex was beyond me -- my dear friend, bless her heart, had very generously overestimated rudimentary abilities.
So I did what I should have done from the very beginning. First, I changed my mindset from "this project must be amazing and perfect" to "this project will be good enough and everyone will be fine with it". It is such a relief when my grown-up self comes to rescue me!
I pulled out the tub of upholstery samples that I've hung on to for over twenty years and was happy with the possibilities. Then I found an easy pattern on the internet; one without too many seams and with pieces large enough to make them easy for clumsy fingers to work with.
And then I got to work.
Incredibly, I finished the whole thing in a single, long day. I'm still gobsmacked by this!
And here's what I brought to church the next day:
Imperfect and simple, it turned out to be good enough. I'm happy.