

Friday, January 10, 2014

Goose Egg and A Day Off

Yesterday was my birthday and our young Embden goose gave me a present.  This was lying in the straw of the stall where they sleep at night -- her first effort.

This morning we were discussing The Egg and Bruce asked, "I wonder why they call nothing a 'goose egg'?"  He laughed when I called him over and he saw this picture.  Looks like zero to me!

The Egg alongside a hen's more humble offering (actually, the chicken egg is a very large one).

Today I'm staying home from school.  I'm not sick or busy or anything like that.  We're fortunate in our district that we have three "No Tell" days that we are given each year where we can use sick days to use as we will.  I've never used one of these "No Tell" days but today I just wanted a day at home -- I'm tired.  So earlier in the week I filled out the required paperwork and got approval from all the higher ups.  And then yesterday afternoon I stayed in my classroom and worked on substitute plans until dark.  Being gone for a day is a lot of work.  But this morning, as I sit in my bathrobe and contemplate having a day stolen back from work, I'm feeling pretty smug.  

Tomorrow (Saturday) I'll be putting on my work clothes and driving off to the college to deliver my first-ever full morning teacher workshop.  I'm feeling fairly confident (the workshop will be on using Writer's Notebooks in the classroom), but will be very relieved when I've navigated through this.  And I'm very happy to have a day to myself today.

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