

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Bruce got this picture of the quail just as they exploded into flight
On Sunday we had a few moments of high excitement down by the pond.  I'd noticed a group of quail standing absolutely stock still by the willows -- so much so, that I started to go down to see what was up with them.  Then I changed my mind because I didn't see the point of walking all the way over to them just to scare them.

As it turned out, they didn't need me to scare them -- Murphy racing after a large bobcat did that perfectly well without my help.

Murphy and the Bobcat Sprinting Down the Road

Bruce had the remarkable good fortune to be standing right there with his camera when the bobcat made its move after the quail.  Murphy was right there too.  The quail took off in one direction, while the bobcat with Murphy right behind it in hot pursuit took off in the other.  Bruce just pointed his camera towards the action and clicked over and over again.  The above picture is the best of the ones he took.  An instant later, the cat turned and took a swipe at Murphy's nose.  Murphy ducked just in time, so the claws missed.  The bobcat then turned and took off up the hill while Bruce called Murphy back to him.  And then it was all over.  

I've started my four-week workshop on learning how to be a writing coach for other teachers.  It's a full, tiring day at the college (plus an hour's drive each way), but I'm relieved that this is finally underway.  I must have a demo lesson ready to teach to the group by Friday.  Bobcats aren't the only ones racing around here.

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