To refresh memories, here is the Craig's List coop we brought home last Saturday. It took four strong men to muscle it into the back of the trailer. On the diagonal, thank you very much.
It looks like I know what I'm doing, but all I did was move the knob to raise the bucket |
Unloading it was a bit more of an adventure and accomplished by: one largish Bruce, one smallish me, an orange cat, an orange kubota tractor, four beers, and a garden cart. We only had to move it about 200 yards -- with the Herculean effort it took, it felt more like 200 miles. Or, perhaps, to the moon.
Max was there giving support during the entire operationThe Kubota did a great job of lifting the coop out of the trailer... |
Our only mishap was at the very end, the garden cart tipped over on the slope and the coop fell off and crushed the old dog house. Oops.
When we actually got it wheeled into the pen, the celebration was dignified, but mighty |
Then Max took a well deserved nap... |
...and the ducks had a bath |
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