

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lemonade Weather

Yesterday's high temperature was 106 degrees and today's reached 108.  If I were feeling poetic, I'd call this "lemonade weather." 

But it's too hot to feel poetic, so I think I'll just say it's stinking hot. 

So, exactly how hot is stinking hot???  I'll tell you...

Stinking hot is so hot that the chickens gather around their water pan, panting like little bewattled dogs.

Stinking hot is so hot that chickens also stand in their water pan and continue to pant.

Stinking hot is so hot that the turkey vultures are too lethargic to fly and spend the morning gazing at a pond the color of antifreeze.

Stinking hot is so hot that the Indian corn simply throws in the towel and turns to crisp.

Stinking hot is so hot that the pumpkin plants are all wilty and begging for a drink two hours after they were last watered.

Stinking hot is so hot that all three dogs disappeared under the porch to dig lairs in the cool dirt early this morning and haven't been seen since. 

All of that (and so much more) is stinking hot.  That said...

...here and there, all through Frogpond, there are those who not only endure, but thrive in this heat.


If they could speak, I think they'd call this "lemonade weather."

And they'd be right!


  1. Let’s not forget somnambulant husbands.

  2. How could one? He's the guy who drank all the lemonade.
