Today Rosario and Agada came and worked their magic -- the house glows with cleanliness. Rosario laughed when she saw the naked tree. She told me that it took her three days to decorate her own -- I told her that mine was going to be decorated before they left. They set to work cleaning and I commenced decorating. They always start with with the master bath and bedroom and slowly work their way to the living room and kitchen. When they finally made it to the hall and I was still stringing lights, I began to get worried. When they reached the living room, I was in the midst of putting on countless straw decorations. As they worked ever closer, I asked if I was in their way. Rosario, glancing at the litter of fallen needles around the tree, told me that it would make sense for me to finish the tree before they cleaned in that area. So I gritted my teeth and kept at it. And at it. And at it. By the time they were finished with the kitchen, I finally was finished with the tree. Then they swept in and cleared out the litter on the floor and mopped around the tree.
Have I mentioned how incredibly grateful I am to have these good ladies help me take care of the house???? They chatter in Spanish and laugh as they work and fill the house with good feelings. And, as usual, they brought lunch for us -- homemade burritos, made that morning and still warm. Blessing, on blessing, on blessing. I gave them plates of our Christmas cookies and hugs as they left and hope that they know how appreciative I am that they come and make the house beautiful.
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